✍️The Public Service Recruitment Secretariat (PSRS) is a government organ with a status of independent Department established specifically to facilitate the recruitment process of employees to the Public Service. Public Service Recruitment Secretariat was established by the Public Service Act No. 8 0f 2002 as amended by Act No. 18 of 2007, section 29(1).
The Public Service Secretariat wants to inform all applicants that, they are required to ensure that the information they enter into the Recruitment portal are similar to the information they filled during the registration period to be given Citizenship IDs through National Identity Authority (NIDA).

The purpose of this exercise is to ensure that applicants have the same information as their information in other institutions. This information includes the full names, the age of the person, the place where you were born, the address and other related information.
Issued by Government Communication Unit, Employment Secretariat