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Register has defined by different scholars as follows:
Halliday (1978 P 111), explained that a register can be defined as configuration of semantic resource that a member of a culture typically associated with a situation type, he also explained that register reflects the need of explain variation according to use.
Therefore register can be defined as many style variation according to use, it determined by variety of a factors including social occasion, context, purpose and audience.  For example register can be the language of scientific, religion, regal and commercial, but dialect has defined by scholar as follows:
Crystal (1997) & Vaillet N and Steward Jr (2001). Explained that, a dialect is a variation of a language that distinguish from other variety of the same language by its pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, discourse conventions and other linguistic features.
Preston, (1993). A dialect is a frequently used to refers to the language used by the peoples from a particular geographical or social group or to mean substandard variety of a language.
Generally, dialect refers to the features of grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation that distinguish from other features or variety of the same language in a particular geographical or social group. The types of dialect includes: idiolect, sociolect and regional dialect. Examples of dialect are: prakrit and pali in Ancient India, cockney in London, georide and scouse are prominent dialects spoken in England.
Status: dialect covered a general geographical area that a user are regarded themselves as a member of the same culture in which the user shared the same language. It can be idiolect, socolect and regional dialect. While register covered a small area that can be within a community in a specific area or location. For example in hospital, hotels, court and school. The use of language in this areas is differ from each other. Sometime other people cannot understand if they do not belong to such group of a specific areas or occupation.
Determination of a speaker: a dialect determine the situation of a speaker’s background /the origin of a speaker. For example we can distinguish an American and British by looking their grammatical differences, pronunciation and vocabulary. i.e in grammar, American says “ I done it yesterday” but British says ‘I did it yesterday’ While register determine a situation of the speaker is, that can be doctor, engineer, teacher, nurse, judge and lawyer by looking their language use.
Crystal (1997) & Vaillet N. and Steward Jr (2001). Explained that, a dialect is a variation of a language that distinguish from other variety of the same language by its pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary
 Preston, (1993). A dialect is a frequently used to refers to the language used by the peoples from a particular geographical or social group or to mean substandard variety of a language

Generally, dialect refers to the features of grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation that distinguish from other features or variety of the same language in a particular geographical or social group. The types of dialect includes: idiolect, sociolect and regional dialect. Examples of dialect are: prakrit and pali in Ancient India, cockney in London, georide and scouse are prominent dialects spoken in England, but Language has defined as follows:
Advanced Leaners Dictionary ( 6th ed.) defined language as system of convectional spoken, manual or written symbols by means of which human being as members of social group and participant in its culture express themselves. Language is a system of communication consisting of sounds, words, grammar and sentences.
Therefore language refers to the system of vocal symbols arbitrary which used in human communication in fact of being accepted in a communities for deference communication purpose. For examples, English language, Swahili language, chines language and Indian language.
Difference in intelligibility: dialect is mutual intelligibility due to the fact that the speaker of the same language are understood to each other in term of pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary because  are regarded as the user of the same language  while language is mutual  unintelligible in term of  pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary. For example, Swahili language and English language are acquit different and it is very hard for the speaker to understand to each other.
Difference in geographical expansion: this means that dialect covered small and confined area, however the user of the same language in a society or community are the main user of such dialect. For example cockney in London covered only such area while in an ancient India, prakrit and pali are covered an area in India. While language covered a large geographical expansion, due to the factor that dialect is within the language of the same speaker. For example English language forms two dialects such as American dialect and British English dialect which originated from the same language.
Different in status: dialect is not used in official matter unless has been standardized because it seemed to be local language. For example it is very difficult to use cockney as an official language if it has not been standardized. But language is used in official matter, for example in mass media like newspapers and radio like BBC, national congress, school issues and other official matters. For instance English has high status in the world wide because it has large number of speakers compered to dialect.
Different in functionality: dialect has few functions such as to be used as identification of an individual origin, social stratification  and also can be used in addition of some vocabulary in a language, while language has many functions including communication, national identity, unification, social stratification, official language for a nation and also can be used in entertainments.
 Crystal (1997) & Vaillet N and Steward Accent defined by scholars as follows:Peter Roach (2000), Accent may refers to prominence given to a syllable, usually by use of pitch, for example in the word potato the middle syllable is most prominent.
Therefore an accent refers to the variety of a language that characterized by peculiar pronunciation that based on particular region or nation. For example: middle land England English accent, southern English accent, Yorkshire accent, cockney accent and western country accent, but dialect explained as follows:
Crystal (1997) & Vaillet N and Steward Jr (2001). Explained that, a dialect is a variation of a language that distinguish from other variety of the same language by its pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, discourse conventions and other linguistic features.
Preston, (1993). A dialect is a frequently used to refers to the language used by the peoples from a particular geographical or social group or to mean substandard variety of a language.
Generally, dialect refers to the features of grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation that distinguish from other features or variety of the same language in a particular geographical or social group. The types of dialect includes: idiolect, sociolect and regional dialect. Examples of dialect are: prakrit and pali in Ancient India, cockney in London, georide and scouse are prominent dialects spoken in England.

Determination of the user: accent is a language variation of the user which determined by pronunciation only. For example word/ bird/ water in British and American English accent are pronounced differently. While dialect is a language variation that determined by the combination of all levels of a language in term of pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary used by the user of the same language.
Different in status: dialect has high status since it is characterized with the user of different community such as society and region that are regarded as the user of the same language, while accent are most characterized by the pronunciation of an individual that shows the background of the speaker.
Style has been defined by different scholars as follows:
Bloch (1953 p.42) defined style as the massage carried by the frequency distribution and transition probabilities of a linguistic features especially as they differ from those of the same feature.
Crystal & Davy (1969, P.9-10). Style may refers to some all of the language habit shared by a group of people at one time or over period of time.
Therefore style is the speaker’s or writer’s peculiarly from one’s deliberate choice from a wind make differ from other people, but dialect has explained as follow:
Crystal (1997) & Vaillet N and Steward Jr (2001). Explained that, a dialect is a variation of a language that distinguish from other variety of the same language by its pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, discourse conventions and other linguistic features.
Preston, (1993). A dialect is a frequently used to refers to the language used by the peoples from a particular geographical or social group or to mean substandard variety of a language.
 Generally, dialect refers to the features of grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation that distinguish from other features or variety of the same language in a particular geographical or social group. The types of dialect includes: idiolect, sociolect and regional dialect. Examples of dialect are: prakrit and pali in Ancient India, cockney in London, georide and scouse are prominent dialects spoken in England.
Dialects is inherently one’s peculiarity emanating from one’s background aspect like ethnic group, geographical area, social class, gender and extra, which is not  matter of choice rather  inherently one’s behavior, while style is an individual characteristics of language used by a person’s deliberate distinctive language habit but not inherited through someone


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