Health World Organization (WHO) and the democratic of Congo government to day they started the plan of testing the clinical antibodies against ebora.
WHO announced that has identified more than 500 people who
are nearly of the victims of this diseases may be the first to have those
clinical antibodies
For the first time this clinical antibodies alive in Congo
at Wednesday the last week.
There were three eruption of Ebora in DRC since it happen in
2014-2016 in West Africa.
Symptoms of Ebora.
-High fiver, bleeding and
destruction of never system
-The spread of this diseases is
about 90% but now is approximately to 50%
-This disease takes 20 days to
-It has no prevention no
-The help service and prevention
of losing water in the body is helpful for the victim to recover.
-It predicted that bat is the one
which carries those viruses
_The investigation which was done
last year about ebora’s antibodies shows it can prevent the _human for almost
one year.
_This investigation was published
on magazine of “England journal of medicine” which was conducted in Liberia and
involves 1500 victims.
_ Those
who was get this antibodies they succeed to get the prevention for a one year.
_All of those antibodies shows that
can be helpful in the coming days.
Ebora killed more than 11000
people in Liberia, Sierra Leone and guinea, for the eruption of this disease in
that year of 2014-2015.